Living and creating in Taos, NM.

Day One

12:10 a.m.

It has begun, I have finally left home and started my westward journey. I left Nashvile yesterday at 7:15 a.m. and headed west on I-40 toward Taos, New Mexcio 1,199 miles away. As I pulled away, the tension that has been building over the last few months released and I wept all the way to Jackson. I believe that the tears come from a place of relief, anticipation, sadness and exhaustion. It is a relief to have passed through the gauntlet of goodbyes. I am anticipating the shape of my new life. I am so very sad to leave everyone that I love and I left town worn out from it all. One of my mates said to me, “exhausted is the best way to leave home,” andI agree. I wouldn’t want to leave any other way. It signals that I gave it everything and I am trusting in the road to restore me. 

This is the first of many entries as I chronicle what can only be described as a soul journey. Please forgive the brevity of this post. While there is much that I want to say on this first night my eyes are closing fast as the day's miles and emotions are setting in...